Back to School Portrait Ideas

back to school portrait ideasIt’s back to school time! That means all you moms are in high gear prepping everything from clothing to supplies to schedules. Getting a 1st day of school pic is also on your very long list.

Want a stress reliever? Exactly when you take your kids’ back to school portraits is not important. Whether it’s the week before, morning of the 1st day, or week after school begins, it really doesn’t matter.

Capturing the way the kids look as they begin another chapter in their young lives—that’s what is important. So don’t stress the when.

And to help you not stress the how, we have a few ideas and tips from a pro to help you get that image that lasts a lifetime.

1. Indoors or Out?

Outdoor shots are easier. Why? Natural light balances everything. Indoor shots require special lighting and attention to background clutter. Take it outdoors to make it easier on your busy week.

kids school portrait ideas kids back to school portrait ideas

2. The Background

Change it up! You don’t have to use the same spot year-after-year. Look around your yard for what nature has to offer—a tree, fence, garden or hedge. Do a few practice shots ahead of time (without the kids) to make sure your idea will work.

3. Using props

Nothing elaborate needed when using props, however do put a little thought into it. An apple on a stack of books, a vintage desk or kids chair, or hand-held chalkboard is all you need. Keep it simple.

back to school portrait ideas

4. Watch Your Lighting

Bright backgrounds can cause faces to be dark unless you use flash for balance. Make sure those faces are well lit. And, if taking photos indoors, avoid having bright windows in the background.

It’s a Bittersweet Time

Back-to-School time is a bittersweet time of year for you. Why bittersweet? Some of you don’t even want to think about early morning rush and routines. Others can’t wait for the kids to be back in school.

Either way, it’s another reminder that your “littles” are growing up too fast. So don’t just take those back to school photos and keep them in your computer or on your phone. Get them printed! Display those portraits and enjoy watching your kids grow.

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Tallahassee, Florida


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