This is the most photographed generation ever! Everyone you know has some type of portable device with photo and editing capabilities. However, there is so much more to getting great photos than the camera in hand.
Can You See the Difference?
Most people do not realize the vast differences in an amateur’s photo and one taken by a professional photographer…..until they are placed side-by-side.
The two images below were taken at the same time and place—one by an amateur, one by a pro. Can you tell which one a professional took?
If you guessed the pro took the image on the right, give yourself a pat on the back. Now that you can see the difference, can you tell what makes them so different?
The next image will explain.
It’s not Just the Camera
It’s not just the camera that makes the difference. It’s experience and education, in addition to equipment that turned what could have been just a snapshot into a portrait.
Why? Professional photographers see a finished image in their minds when selecting locations. They know how to pose clients, enhancing natural beauty and showing personality. Their equipment balances light and focuses on the subject, not the background.
Of course, not every photo taken of you has to be a portrait. Snapshots have their place in your scrapbooks, photo albums, and social media sharing.
But when it counts—weddings, reunions, and life’s milestone moments—pick a pro. They’ll provide images you’ll want to print, give as a gift, or hang on your wall. Everytime.